Conference Fees
Egyptian Researchers, authors and Candidates (2000 L.E)
- Access to all sessions
- Coffee breaks
- Conference material
- Communication and Publishing
Egyptian Listeners without papers nor communications (1500 L.E)
Non Egyptians
Without accommodation
- Authors €150 Covering the followings:
- Access to all sessions
- Coffee breaks
- Conference material
- Communication and Publishing
- €250 Covering the followings:
- Tourist excursion to the pyramids and Cairo Museum (Transportation and fees)
- Gala Dinner
- Access to all sessions
- Coffee breaks
- Conference material, Communication and Publishing
- Participation in all social and educational activities
With accommodation
- €500 Covering the followings:
- 3 nights of accommodation in a double Room with breakfast
- Transportation from/to the airport.
- Tourist excursion to the pyramids and Cairo Museum (Transportation and fees)
- Gala Dinner
- Access to all sessions
- Coffee breaks
- Conference material, Communication and Publishing
- Participation in all social and educational activities
- €760
- 3 nights of accommodation in a Single Room with breakfast
- Transportation from/to the airport.
- Tourist excursion to the pyramids and Cairo Museum (Transportation and fees)
- Gala Dinner
- Access to all sessions
- Coffee breaks
- Conference material, Communication and Publishing
- Participation in all social and educational activities
Accompanying Person
€ 450-650 (accompanying person – acompañante)
- € 450 per person in double room including the accommodation 3 nights and tourist excursion only
- € 650 per person in single room including the accommodation 3 nights and tourist excursion only