Thematic Panels

THEME 1 THEME 2 THEME 3 THEME 4 THEME 5 HERITAGE RESOURCES AND NEW INLAND TOURISM Planning and management of inland heritage tourism destinations Socio-economic valorization of inland tourism Indicators of sustainable tourism in inland destinations Legislation and the legal and institutional framework of tourism Didactics and tourist interpretation of heritage resources Satisfaction of the tourists to world heritage sites and historic cities Climate action and inland heritage tourism Religious and sacred tourism  HOTEL MANAGEMENT, GASTRONOMY AND HOSPITALITY Traditional gastronomy, satisfaction and emerging models Food and gastronomy in tourism industry and hospitality Innovations in hospitality marketing and management Future trends in the hospitality and tourism marketing and management Education and training in tourism and hospitality Consumer behaviour in hospitality and tourism Hospitality as a social exchange Health and wellness tourism HERITAGE INTERPRETATION AND DISSEMINATION IN A DIGITAL ERA Museums, heritage interpretation centres and cultural tourism destinations    Accessible tourism for all, digital guides, and virtual tours  New digital technologies applied to the design of tourism products Artificial intelligence and virtual and augmented reality for cultural heritage dissemination and interpretation Use of technology for interpretation and dissemination for cultural heritage New digital technologies applied to hotel management Cultural diversity and languages for heritage interpretation Didactics applied to cultural heritage: sustainable tourism models, new narratives, storytelling  HERITAGE PARTNERSHIPS AND SUSTAINABLE TOURISM Community engagement  Private-Public partnerships Multiple stakeholders for sustainable development New entrepreneurial formulas Economic management and sustainability of heritage tourism industries Challenges in heritage conservation, sustainability, and tourism  Placemaking: Creating quality heritage sites for people Creative Industries and new models of tourism TOURISM FOR ARCHAEOLOGY, CULTURE-NATURE, AND LANDSCAPES. Landscape as a heritage and tourism resource Archaeological sites and conservation Tourism and urban historic landscapes Design and programming of heritage itineraries Interrelationships and interdependencies between tourism, sectoral and territorial landscape planning Heritage routes and cultural landscapes, nature tourism and the environment Socio-economic valorization of cultural landscapes Environmental and recreational education of natural-cultural heritage

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