Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Organization Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the Egyptian Version of the International Congress on Heritage Tourism Management in Inland Destinations (CIGESTUR – CAIRO). It will be held 26-28 April 2023 in Cairo, Egypt. Congress is organized by Sinai High Institute for Tourism and Hotels in Egypt with co-operation with university of Cordoba, Spain.
The International Congress aims to bring together leading academic scientists and researchers from Spain, England, other European countries, Latin America & Egypt to exchange and share their experiences and scientific research results, ideas and applications World Changes in Heritage, Tourism Science and Hospitality Management.
CIGESTUR CAIRO 2023 includes five main themes bringing together representatives not only of tourism, but heritage, economy, hotel industry, NGOs, as well as the government officials, to attend the congress.
In addition to our congress scientific sessions, we would like to invite you to visit Cairo and see various tourism phenomena and rich natural heritage and cultural heritage. The Congress participants could have the opportunity to visit the Pyramids of Giza, UNESCO World Heritage and one of the seven wonders in the world.
Papers that are presented in the congress will go through double-blind peer review process, and a selection will have the option to be published in a number of Journals.
We look forward to greeting you at the International Congress on Heritage Tourism Management in Inland Destinations (CIGESTUR – CAIRO), Cairo in Egypt, Held by Sinai High Institute for Tourism and Hotels.
For more information about the congress organization, themes and sub-themes, social activity packages please check this web page.
Best regards,
Congress Chairman Mostafa AlZaghl | Vices- Chairman Nashwa Elsherif / Wael Soliman | Congress Co-Ordinator Ibrahim Elassal |
Call for Abstracts
Abstract summaries submission:
Abstracts should be a maximum of 300 words long and submitted in Word (.doc) format in ENGLISH. The submission should also indicate the following (not included within the specified word limit):
- Working title of the paper and the
- Themes in which the author proposes to present the paper (maximum 2 themes)
- Author’s full name, email address and phone number
- Current position, department and institution or organization where the main author is working.
- Short five-line résumé (bio)
- 3 to 5 keywords