After succeeding the registration process and submitting your communication to be presented during the academic sessions of the International Congress on Heritage Tourism Management in Inland Destinations (CIGESTUR – CAIRO).
Sessions will be held on 26-27 April 2023 in Cairo, Egypt.
Sessions will be managed by Sinai High Institute for Tourism and Hotels in Egypt with co-operation with university of Cordoba, Spain.
Concerning Your communication/presentation during the Academic session, the following instructions are recommended:
It is imperative that presentations are delivered in English or Spanish (Arabic is not permitted)
Each presentation will be 15 minutes long. We recommend spending 10-12 minutes presenting and 3-5 minutes for discussion or questions.
The available equipment will be a PC, a projector and microphones.
The recommended file type to be used for presentations is PowerPoint or Portable Document Format (PDF).
The presentation files should be sent before 15th April to the email, and in the same time brought on a USB, memory stick or a similar memory device.
Help us to upload your presentation on to the session PC and report to the session chair 15 minutes before the start of the session.
All presenters will be introduced to the audience by the session chair.
Its contents should be structured and have the following parts: title, introduction, methods, results, discussion, etc.
Presentations should not contain full paragraphs of text. Use a bulleted list or outline format and elaborate on the points in your talk.
The fonts that are used should be in sans serif type (like Arial or Helvetica). This is because when projected on a big screen, letters lose some of their clarity, and serif type (like Times) can be blurry.
Use large fonts, as big as realistically possible. Small fonts are hard to read.
Use contrasting colours – for example either a dark background with light text or a light background with dark text.
Avoid busy backgrounds that will make the text hard to read. Keep the background simple.
Limit your graphics to 1-3 per page. Too many graphics can be distracting.
Avoid all CAPITAL LETTERS IN YOUR TEXT. It will look like you're shouting.
Include a good combination of words, pictures, and graphics. Variety keeps the presentation interesting.
Slides are designed to supplement your presentation, not to BE your presentation. Keep it simple, and don't read your presentation word for word from your slides – this bores the audience.
Don't talk to the screen; maintain eye contact with the audience.
Use a laser pointer to indicate salient features of the slide as you speak (there will be one provided in the session room).
Speak loudly and clearly.
Publishing process:
Publishing will be at one of four journal destinations of the congress.
During Congress sessions, you will fill a form with your priorities of the four ones.
Publishing is a totally journal decision.
If the journal you will choose as a first priority won’t agree to publish, we will pass your paper to the second option you already filled.
Dead line for the full paper submission is 1st June 2023, we will not accept papers after this date.
Dead Line for sending communications/ presentations is 15th April to the email
The available Publication journals of the congress are:
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development (JCHMSD), United Kingdom
All Details:
Revista internacional de legislación y Economía. España
Egyptian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, EKB, Egypt